As you venture through your garden, you're likely to encounter various garden insects, some beneficial, others not so much. From the sap-sucking aphids, the soil-dwelling larvae, to the intricate webs of spider mites and the chewed edges left by caterpillars. Getting rid of garden pests is about ensuring the longevity and vitality of your beloved plants.
Whether it's the common types of plant bugs that lurk beneath the foliage or the many beetles that skeletonize leaves or you're dealing with stealthy plant bugs hiding under leaves or even battling the powdery mildew that seems to appear out of nowhere. Each pest has its unique way of impacting the growth of the plant and identifying these signs early is key to managing and preventing further damage.
Remember that while they may seem impossible to get rid of at first, with a little knowledge and the right tools in your gardening arsenal, you'll be more than equipped to handle them!
In this guide, we'll explore the various pests you may see in your garden and offer insights and solutions to protect your green oasis. You'll learn to spot the early signs of infestation, understand the impact of each pest, and discover how our Natural Plant Protector can be your secret weapon in their prevention as well as in maintaining a thriving, pest-free garden when used as directed.

Understanding Garden Pests
One of the most common hurdles every gardener faces is the invasion of garden pests. These uninvited guests can range from tiny aphids to mischievous snails, each with its unique traits and effects on your beloved plants. Let's understand how to identify common pests, their impact, and why controlling them is crucial for a healthy garden.
Identifying Common Pests
As you walk around your garden, you might come across signs of plant pests, small yet significant, that could be causing leaves to wilt, discolor, or even become skeletonized. You might spot the delicate, silken threads of spider mites, the shiny excrement left by beetles, or the aphids feeding on plant sap, leaving behind a sticky residue known as honeydew. Maybe it's the tell-tale holes in leaves or a cluster of tiny insects under the foliage. These are all signs that you've got company - and not the kind you want.

The Impact of Pests on Your Garden
Now, why should we worry about these tiny creatures? The reason to keep pests in check goes beyond aesthetics as they can wreak havoc on your plants. They not only feed on plant leaves, causing physical damage, they suck the sap from leaves, causing them to yellow and drop, chew through foliage, leaving holes and weakening plants, and some even spread diseases. For instance, aphids can transmit viral diseases, turning your garden into a sick ward if left unchecked.
Pests can also stress your plants, making them more susceptible to other problems like fungal infections or environmental stress. Think of your garden as a mini-ecosystem. When pests are out of control, they disrupt the balance, leading to a domino effect of plant health issues.

Spider Mites: Identification and Control
Imagine you’re closely inspecting your plants and you notice something unusual: fine webs, especially under the leaves or at the junction of the stem and leaf. Upon closer inspection, you might see tiny, moving dots. You've just found spider mites. These mites are incredibly small, usually less than 1mm in size, and can range in color from red to green or yellow.
The damage caused by spider mites is distinct. They suck the sap from the leaves, leaving behind tiny yellow or white speckles, a pattern known as stippling. As the infestation grows, leaves may turn yellow, dry out, and eventually fall off. In severe cases, the plant's growth can be stunted, and it may even die. It’s like these minuscule creatures are draining the life out of your plants, one tiny bite at a time.

How Lost Coast Plant Therapy Controls Spider Mites
Our Natural Plant Wash is a minimum risk pesticide, made with natural and organic ingredients, tailored to control mites effectively while being gentle on your plants when used as directed.
The key lies in its unique formulation. Our product suffocates and dehydrates spider mites, their eggs, and larvae upon contact. It coats the mites, disrupting their respiration and digestion, leading to their eventual demise. And the best part? Spider mites can't develop immunity to our product.
To effectively use our Natural Plant Protector, you’ll need to thoroughly saturate the infested plants, ensuring to reach the undersides of leaves and stems where spider mites love to hide. Consistency is key – regular application can control ongoing infestations and also act as a preventive measure.

The smaller the insect, the faster Lost Coast Plant Therapy works. For larger spider mites or severe infestations, you might need repeated applications for complete control. And in case of stubborn cases, you can boost the formula with 2 oz per gallon (instead of the 1 oz indicated in the directions on your bottle).
Applying Lost Coast Plant Therapy is not just about eliminating a pest, it’s about restoring balance to your garden while respecting the environment. It’s a Natural Plant Protector, safeguarding your garden's health when used as directed and your peace of mind. So next time you spot those tiny webs and stippling on your plants, reach for a bottle of Lost Coast Plant Therapy and reclaim your green haven from the clutches of spider mites.
See more on How to Get Rid Of Spider Mites here.

Battling Broad Mites
Broad mites, though less talked about, are just as troublesome as their spider mite cousins in the world of gardening. Let's dive into identifying these sneaky little creatures, adopting effective preventive strategies, and utilizing our Natural Plant Wash for effective control.
Identifying Broad Mites
These mites are even smaller than spider mites, making them quite challenging to see with the naked eye. They prefer to reside on the undersides of young leaves or in flower buds, making their detection even trickier.
The signs of broad mite damage are distinct yet often misattributed to other causes. Infested leaves may appear twisted, curled, or have a bronzed or blistered look. If you notice new growth on your plants looking stunted or distorted, broad mites could be your unseen culprits. They inject toxins into the plant as they feed, leading to these abnormal growth patterns.

Preventive Strategies
Preventing broad mites is about being proactive in your garden care. Start with regular inspections of your plants, especially the new growth and the undersides of leaves. Catching these mites early is crucial in preventing an infestation.
Environmental conditions can also play a role. Broad mites prefer high humidity and warm temperatures. Thus, managing these conditions, such as improving air circulation around plants and avoiding overwatering, can make your garden less inviting for these pests. It's about creating an environment that says, "Broad mites, you're not welcome here!"

Using our Natural Plant Wash To Control Broad Mites
Just like for spider mites, our Natural Plant Wash works by suffocating and dehydrating the broad mites upon contact. The unique blend of ingredients in Lost Coast Plant Therapy coats the mites and disrupts their life cycle. It’s particularly effective when used as directed because broad mites, like all pests, cannot develop resistance to physical suffocation and dehydration caused by our product.
Application is key to effectiveness. Thoroughly spraying the affected areas, ensuring that you reach all the nooks and crannies where these mites might hide, is essential.
Remember, broad mites are tiny and can easily hide in small spaces, leave no leaf unturned!
For persistent infestations, consider increasing the concentration to 2 oz per gallon or applying it more frequently but always first use the recommended amount on the label. Using our product more often at the lower dose often works better than stronger doses.

Managing Russet Mites
Signs of Russet Mite Infestation
Detecting russet mites requires a bit of detective work. These mites are incredibly tiny and are also usually invisible to the naked eye. However, the damage they cause is quite noticeable. One of the first signs of a russet mite infestation is a change in the appearance of your plant leaves. The leaves may start to look bronzed or rust-colored, and you might see discoloration or blistering. As the infestation worsens, the leaves can become dry and brittle.
Russet mites tend to start at the base of a plant and work their way up. This means that the damage often appears on the lower leaves first. If you notice these symptoms, it's time to take a closer look, perhaps with a magnifying glass, and confirm whether these unwelcome guests are present.

Using Our Natural Plant Wash to Control Russet Mites
When it comes to actively combating russet mites, our Natural Plant Wash can be a powerful tool - it's designed to tackle mites head-on, suffocating and dehydrating them on contact. But when dealing with russet mites, thrips, aphids, or severe infestations, we recommend boosting our formula.
For these tougher cases, you can mix 2 ounces of our Natural Plant Wash concentrate with 1 to 2 ounces of isopropyl alcohol per gallon of water. This enhanced mixture increases the efficacy of the treatment, especially against stubborn pests like russet mites but always first use the recommended amount on the label and use more only if that does not work. Using our product more often at the lower dose often works better than stronger doses.
The key to success is thorough application. Make sure to saturate your plants completely, paying special attention to the undersides of leaves and stems, where mites like to hide.
The application schedule is crucial. For an active infestation, spray your plants with the boosted mixture for 3 to 5 consecutive days, depending on the severity of the infestation. Then, switch to every other day for another 3 to 5 days. This rigorous approach ensures that you target the mites at different stages of their lifecycle. For ongoing prevention and maintenance, reduce the frequency to 1 to 2 times a week.

Avoid applying our Natural Plant Wash in extreme heat or direct sunlight. For outdoor plants, early morning or dusk is the best time for application, when temperatures are cooler. For indoor plants, apply the wash while the main lights are off to avoid any potential issues with light and heat. After application, allow the plants to dry thoroughly before exposing them to bright light or high temperatures again. See more Instructions here.

Fungus Gnats
If you notice tiny, dark insects fluttering around, these are likely fungus gnats, each about 1/8 inch long, resembling mosquitoes. They're particularly fond of moist environments and are often spotted around overwatered plants or decaying organic material.
The real trouble with fungus gnats lies in their larvae. These tiny larvae live in the top layer of soil and feed on organic matter, including plant roots. You might not see them directly, but their presence can be inferred from the unexplained yellowing of leaves, stunted growth, or wilting in your plants – as if the plants are signaling for help.

Prevention Tips
Preventing fungus gnats is all about striking a balance in your garden's moisture levels. These gnats are attracted to excessive moisture, so overwatering your plants is like rolling out the red carpet for them. To avoid this, allow the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings.
Another effective strategy is to improve soil drainage. Mixing perlite or sand into your potting soil can enhance drainage, making it less hospitable for gnat larvae. Additionally, avoid leaving plant debris or fallen leaves on the soil surface, as these can become breeding grounds for gnats.

Preventing and Controlling Them with Our Natural Plant Wash
Our Natural Plant Wash controls fungus gnats by targeting them at every stage of their lifecycle. It suffocates adult gnats and larvae on contact, disrupting their ability to thrive and reproduce. The key to its effectiveness is thorough application. Ensure you generously spray the plant, paying special attention to the soil surface and lower foliage, where gnats and their larvae tend to congregate.
For severe infestations, consider using the wash more frequently, perhaps even daily, until you notice a significant reduction in gnat activity. The beauty of our Plant Protector is its gentle nature, making it safe for regular use without harming your plants when used as directed.
In addition to the regular application, remember to follow the best practices for plant care. This includes proper watering, soil management, and general plant hygiene. Combining these practices with the use of Lost Coast Plant Therapy creates a robust defense system against fungus gnats.

White Flies: Small but Destructive
Picture a sunny day in your garden, you gently shake a plant, and suddenly, a cloud of tiny, moth-like insects flutters up. These are white flies, they're tiny, winged insects, usually found on the undersides of leaves, sucking the sap from your plants. This sap-sucking habit not only weakens the plant but also leads to the secretion of a sticky substance called honeydew, which can encourage the growth of sooty mold.

Using Our Natural Plant Wash to Control White Flies
Our Natural Plant Protector is specifically formulated to combat pests like white flies without harming your plants when used as directed. The secret to its success lies in its ability to suffocate and dehydrate the white flies on contact. The combination of ingredients, creates a hostile environment for these pests, disrupting their lifecycle and preventing further damage to your plants.
Application is key. To effectively control white flies, thoroughly spray your plants, focusing on the undersides of leaves. Our Natural Plant Protector needs to make direct contact with the pests to be effective, so be meticulous in your application. See more on How it Works.
For persistent or severe infestations, you might need to apply the Lost Coast Plant Therapy more frequently. Consistency is crucial – a regular application schedule can significantly reduce white fly populations and protect your plants from future infestations.

Thrips: Tiny Pests, Big Problems
These minuscule insects can have a substantial impact on your plants if not managed properly. Let's explore how to identify these tiny troublemakers and effectively use our Natural Plant Wash to keep them in check.
How to Identify Thrips
Thrips are slender, tiny insects, measuring about 1/20th of an inch long, and can vary in color from translucent white to dark brown or black. If you notice speckled leaves, distorted growth, or even silvery trails on the foliage these could be telltale signs of thrips.
In flowers and fruits, they can cause discoloration, streaks, and scarring. The plants might also exhibit distorted growth, with leaves turning papery and buds failing to open. It's like these tiny creatures are sapping the vitality right out of your garden.

Our Natural Plant Wash as a Solution to Control Thrips
If you have an infestation of thirps, first use the recommended amount on the label and if it's not controlling them, consider boosting our formula by adding 2 ounces of the concentrate and 1 to 2 ounces of isopropyl alcohol per gallon of water to create a more potent mixture. This boosted solution is particularly useful for severe infestations or for those pesky thrips that could seem resistant to standard treatments but always first use the recommended amount on the label and only boost if that does not work. Using our product more often at the lower dose often works better than stronger doses.
The application process is crucial for success. Thoroughly spray all parts of the plant, paying special attention to nooks and crannies where thrips may hide. Consistent application is key – for an active infestation, spray for 3 to 5 consecutive days, depending on the severity, followed by every other day for another 3 to 5 days. After bringing the infestation under control, continue to spray Lost Coast Plant Therapy 1 to 2 times a week for prevention and maintenance.

Aphids: The Sap Suckers
Aphids, often referred to as the sap suckers of the garden world, are among the most common and frustrating pests for gardeners. These tiny insects can quickly overrun plants, causing damage and stress. But with a keen eye for identification and our Plant Protector, you can keep these pesky insects under control.

Identifying Aphids in Your Garden
Imagine you're enjoying a peaceful stroll through your garden. You stop to admire a rose bush or a new vegetable shoot, and you notice something odd – a cluster of small, pear-shaped insects, perhaps in shades of green, black, brown, or even pink. These are aphids, and they're feasting on the sap of your plants.
Aphids are tiny, often less than a quarter of an inch, but what they lack in size, they make up for in numbers. They typically congregate on the undersides of leaves and on tender new growth. If you see a group of plants with curled or distorted leaves, stunted growth, or a sticky residue (known as honeydew), aphids are likely the culprits. This honeydew can also attract other insects, like ants, and lead to the growth of sooty mold.

Controlling Aphids with Lost Coast Plant Therapy
Our natural, minimum-risk pesticide is highly effective at controlling aphids when used as directed. Lost Coast Plant Therapy works by suffocating and dehydrating the aphids on contact, disrupting their lifecycle and preventing them from causing further damage to your plants.
For severe infestations, consider boosting the effectiveness of our Natural Plant Wash. Adding 2 ounces of concentrate and 1 to 2 ounces of isopropyl alcohol per gallon of water creates a more potent solution, especially effective against stubborn aphid infestations but always first use the recommended amount on the label.
When applying Lost Coast Plant Therapy, ensure thorough coverage of all plant parts, especially the undersides of leaves. Consistency is crucial – for a severe infestation, apply daily until you see a noticeable reduction in aphid activity, then reduce the frequency to once or twice a week for maintenance.
Remember, the best times to apply Lost Coast Plant Therapy are early in the morning or at dusk for outdoor plants, and when the main lights are off for indoor plants. This ensures the safety of your plants when used as directed and the effectiveness of the treatment.

Root Knot Nematodes: Invisible but Harmful
These microscopic worms live in the soil and can be incredibly damaging to a wide range of plants, yet they remain unseen to the naked eye.
Imagine you're tending to your garden, and despite your best efforts, you notice your plants are struggling to thrive. They may appear stunted, wilted, or showing signs of nutrient deficiencies. This mysterious ailment could very well be due to root knot nematodes. These tiny, parasitic worms attack the roots of plants, forming distinctive galls or knots, which inhibit the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients.
Root knot nematodes are particularly sneaky because they're not visible on the plant itself. The key to identifying their presence lies in the roots. If you suspect an infestation, gently unearth a plant and examine its roots. Infected roots will often have abnormal swellings or galls. It's like finding hidden clues beneath the soil that point to an unseen enemy.
The impact of these nematodes can be significant. Apart from stunted growth and reduced yields in vegetable gardens, they can make plants more susceptible to other diseases and environmental stresses.

Prevention Strategies
Nematodes tend to be host-specific, so crop rotation could be an effective strategy as non-susceptible plants can help break the life cycle of these pests. For example, if you’ve grown tomatoes in a particular spot and suspect nematode issues, next season, plant something like marigolds or a crop from a completely different family.
Maintaining healthy soil is also crucial. Regularly adding organic matter and compost can improve soil health and make it less hospitable to nematodes. Healthy soil fosters a diverse microbial environment that can naturally suppress nematode populations.
Additionally, practicing good sanitation in your garden by removing and destroying infected plant material can prevent the spread of nematodes to healthy areas.

Using Our Natural Plant Protector to Prevent and Control Nematodes
When trying to prevent or control an existing nematode problem, our Lost Coast Plant Therapy can be an effective part of your management strategy. While primarily used as a foliar spray, our Natural Plant Protector can also be used as a soil drench to target nematodes directly in their habitat.
To use Lost Coast Plant Therapy against nematodes, mix the solution as directed and apply it to the soil around the affected plants. The idea is to saturate the soil, allowing the solution to reach the nematodes. Repeated applications may be necessary, as nematodes are notoriously resilient.
Always be sure soil is adequately watered before applying Lost Coast Plant Therapy as a soil drench.
Using our Natural Plant Wash as a soil drench not only helps in managing nematodes but can also improve the overall health of the soil by addressing any other unknown pathogenic disease or harmful soft body insects when used as directed. Its natural and organic ingredients support a healthy soil ecosystem, which is essential in creating an unfavorable environment for nematodes.

The Pill Bug: A Unique Garden Resident
Recognizing Pill Bugs
Picture a small, grey, segmented creature that curls into a tight ball when disturbed (often called roly-polies). That's your garden-variety pill bug. These critters are actually crustaceans, more closely related to shrimp than to insects. They thrive in moist environments and are often found under pots, stones, or organic debris.
While pill bugs are primarily nature's recyclers, feasting on decaying matter and aiding in the breakdown of organic material, their taste occasionally shifts to the tender offerings of your garden. Young plants and sprouting seedlings might fall prey to their nibbling, making their presence a concern for gardeners nurturing new growth.
Controlling Pill Bugs with Our Natural Plant Wash
Apply our Natural Plant Wash to the soil and around the base of plants where pill bugs are active. Designed specifically to target soft-bodied creatures, it works wonders in controlling the larvae or eggs of pests. While it doesn't eliminate insects outright, its use around the base of plants and in the soil acts as a deterrent for pill bugs, especially where they're most active. It's a safe approach when used as directed to maintaining the delicate balance in your garden and preventing further damage to plants.

Dealing with Powdery Mildew and Other Fungal Threats
Identifying Powdery Mildew, Mold, and Other Fungi
Imagine you’re strolling through your garden, coffee in hand, admiring your plants, when you notice something unusual. On the leaves of your rose bush or zucchini plant, there's a white, powdery substance. This is powdery mildew, one of the most common fungal issues faced by gardeners worldwide. It looks like someone dusted your plants with flour. Powdery mildew typically starts on lower leaves but can quickly spread.
Then there's mold, which can appear in various forms. It might show up as a fuzzy growth on plant debris or the soil surface, in shades of green, black, or white.
Other fungi manifest as dark spots on leaves or stems, or as rot at the base of the plant or in the fruit. It's like your plants are sending an SOS signal, indicating they're under attack by microscopic invaders.

How Lost Coast Plant Therapy Helps in Controlling Fungi
We recommend using our product for prevention and maintenance, when used as directed our Natural Plant Wash controls powdery mildew, mold, and other fungal pathogens by changing the pH on the plant's surface, making it inhospitable for these fungi to thrive.
It can also help wash off the mildew already present and prevents new spores from taking hold. When you notice the first signs of mildew, spray the affected plants thoroughly. Ensure you cover all surfaces, especially the undersides of leaves.
Regular application of Lost Coast Plant Therapy can help keep these problems at bay. The key is consistent and thorough application, ensuring all parts of the plant are reached.

Tips on Using Our Natural Plant Wash on More Effectively
Know Your Enemy: First, understanding the specific pests you're dealing with. Lost Coast Plant Therapy is highly effective at controlling powdery mildew and soft-bodied insects. Identifying the pests correctly ensures that you're using the right solution for the problem.
Regular Inspection and Early Intervention: Regularly check your plants for signs of pests. Early detection makes control much easier. At the first sign of an infestation, start using Lost Coast Plant Therapy to prevent the pests from gaining a foothold.
Boosting the Formula: Always use the recommended amount on the label first because our product more often at the lower dose often works better than stronger doses but in cases of severe infestations, especially with stubborn pests like russet mites, thrips, and aphids, consider boosting the concentration of our Natural Plant Wash by adding 2 oz of concentrate and 1 to 2 oz of isopropyl alcohol per gallon of water but always first use the recommended amount on the label. Using our product more often at the lower dose often works better than stronger doses.
Special Considerations for Severe Infestations: For particularly severe infestations, a more aggressive approach may be needed. In addition to boosting the formula, increase the frequency of application. Spray the affected plants daily, then gradually reduce the frequency as you notice a decline in pest activity. Always remember to thoroughly saturate the plants, covering all surfaces, especially the undersides of leaves where pests often hide.
The thoroughness of application cannot be overstated. Missing areas during application can allow pests to survive and continue to reproduce, undermining your pest control efforts. See more Instructions here, our Ingredients here and How it Works here.

Lost Coast Plant Therapy
Located in the "Lost Coast" of Humboldt County, California, our family-owned farm has been passionately dedicated to organic gardening for more than 53 years. We've faced our share of battles with common garden pests like mold, powdery mildew, and mites. Through it all, we've remained dedicated to finding natural solutions that work – and we've succeeded!
We meticulously source only the best ingredients, ensuring they're organic, plant-based, and NON-GMO, and always either food grade or cosmetic grade. Made in small batches right here in California, USA, our product not only works to control soft bodied insects and mildew when used as directed but also reflects our dedication to excellence and sustainability.
Find us in a store near you using our store locator, or contact us directly if you have any questions about our product.

As we wrap up this ultimate guide to tackling common garden pests, it's important to remember that every gardener's journey includes dealing with these little adversaries. Whether they're laying eggs under the leaves of your favorite ornamental plants or munching away at the tender tissues of vegetable crops, pests are an inevitable part of gardening. But, as we've seen, there's plenty of knowledge and tools at your disposal to prevent, manage and control these unwelcome visitors.
From the stubborn aphids that leave behind sticky honeydew to the powdery mildew covering plants, each pest presents its own unique challenge. The key takeaway from this guide is that effective pest control is about more than just getting rid of bugs on plants, it's about understanding the life cycle of these pests, recognizing the early signs of infestation, and taking proactive measures to prevent them all together.
From our family to yours, we understand the deep connection and care you have for your garden. With the right approach and a bottle of Lost Coast Plant Therapy in hand, you can not only protect your cherished plants but also preserve the beauty and health of your garden when used as directed, ensuring it remains a source of joy and pride for you and your loved ones.

What are the most common garden pests?
Common garden pests include aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, thrips, root knot nematodes, ants, earwigs, and pill bugs.
How can I identify an aphid infestation in my garden?
Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects that can be green, black, brown, or pink. Look for a sticky residue called honeydew, distorted leaves, or a cluster of these pests on the undersides of leaves.
How does Lost Coast Plant Therapy control pests?
Lost Coast Plant Therapy works by suffocating and dehydrating pests upon contact, disrupting their life cycle and preventing further damage to plants. See more on How it Works here.
Is Lost Coast Plant Therapy safe for plants?
Yes, Lost Coast Plant Therapy is gentle on plants when used as directed.
How often should I apply Lost Coast Plant Therapy for it to be effective?
For active infestations, apply daily until the pest activity reduces, then switch to a maintenance schedule of 1-2 times per week.
What are the signs of root knot nematode infestation?
Look for stunted growth, wilting, or nutrient deficiencies in plants, and check the roots for abnormal swellings or galls.
Can Lost Coast Plant Therapy be used as a soil drench for nematodes?
Yes, Lost Coast Plant Therapy can be applied as a soil drench to target root knot nematodes directly in the soil.
What should I do to manage severe infestations with Lost Coast Plant Therapy?
For severe infestations, boost the Natural Plant Wash formula by adding 2 oz of concentrate and 1 to 2 oz of isopropyl alcohol per gallon of water but always first use the recommended amount on the label. Using our product more often at the lower dose often works better than stronger doses.
How do I ensure thorough application of Lost Coast Plant Therapy?
Spray all parts of the plant, including the undersides of leaves and stems, ensuring complete coverage for maximum effectiveness.
What should I look for to identify fungal issues like powdery mildew in my garden?
Look for white, powdery substances on leaves, discolored or distorted growth, and any signs of mold or mildew on the plant or soil surface.
Are there any general tips for keeping a garden pest-free?
Maintain plant health, encourage a balanced ecosystem, and regularly inspect your plants for early signs of pest infestation to keep your garden healthy and pest-free.
See more FAQ's here.

Additional Resources
Broad mite - Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) - University of Florida
Twospotted spider mites in home gardens - University of Minnesota
Hemp russet mite - Agricultural Biology - Colorado State University
How to recognize and manage spider mites in the home garden - Oregon State University
Aphids in home yards and gardens - University of Minnesota
Thrips: Biology and Rose Pests - North Carolina State University
Pillbug - Armadillidium vulgare - University of Florida
Root-Knot Nematodes in the Vegetable Garden - Clemson University