Boys and Girls Club, Eureka California
Mission: We empower youth to reach their full potential as responsible, caring and productive citizens through professionally led programs and activities that are fun, positive and relevant in a safe, supportive and healthy environment.
Vision: We envision healthy, empowered and engaged youth who appreciate and respect themselves, each other, their families, the community and the environment.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Redwoods
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Redwoods was established in 1938 and serves the community as a youth development program for children ages 6 to 18. All of our sites offer a safe place for our members to learn, play and develop citizenship and leadership skills. Club programs and services promote and enhance the development of our members by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and a power of influence, which is the Youth Development Strategy of the Boys & Girls Clubs.
Dedicated professionals and volunteers run the Club five days a week. The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Redwoods is led by Monica Rose, Executive Director. The Board of Directors who volunteer, dedicate many resources to see that the Club continues to grow.
The national boys and girls club: