Popular House Plants and How to Care for Them

popular house plants

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt a wave of calm wash over you, like you’ve just stepped into a serene oasis? That's the enchanting power of houseplants. They're more than just decorative pieces, they're vibrant life forms that add color, vitality, and a breath of fresh air to our living spaces. Picture the lush green leaves of a Monstera unfurling with grace, the delicate and exotic blooms of an orchid catching your eye, or the steadfast, upright presence of a snake plant standing guard in a corner. Houseplants have this almost magical ability to transform any room into a lively, welcoming haven.

In this guide, we're diving into the wonderful world of houseplants. We’ll explore some of the most popular varieties, sharing tips and tricks to help you keep them thriving. From the ever-resilient Pothos to the stately Fiddle Leaf Fig, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create an environment where your plants can flourish.

popular house plants

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, also known as Devil's Ivy, is a favorite among houseplant enthusiasts, and it's easy to see why. This versatile plant features heart-shaped leaves that trail beautifully, making it perfect for hanging baskets or letting it cascade down from a shelf. Pothos is also one of the most forgiving and easy-to-care-for plants, it can thrive in various light conditions, from low light to bright indirect light and this adaptability makes it an excellent choice for nearly any room in your home, whether it’s a dim hallway or a sunny living room.

The key to keeping your Pothos happy is to let the soil dry out between waterings. Overwatering is one of the few ways you can go wrong with this plant, leading to root rot, a common issue that can be detrimental if not addressed.

Despite its hardy nature, Pothos can occasionally attract pests like spider mites. These tiny critters can cause damage to the leaves, but there’s no need to worry. By applying Lost Coast Plant Therapy you can prevent and control these pests before they create further damage. 

popular house plants

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ Plant, or Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a houseplant that can truly do no wrong. With its glossy, dark green leaves and robust nature, it’s a plant that not only looks stunning but is also incredibly easy to care for. If you’re just starting your journey into the world of indoor plants, the ZZ Plant might just become your new best friend.

ZZ Plants are well-known for their drought tolerance and actually prefer infrequent watering—think every one to two weeks. It’s crucial to let the soil dry out completely between waterings to avoid root rot, the most common issue with this plant. Root rot occurs when the plant is overwatered and can be fatal if not addressed promptly.

The ZZ Plant thrives in low to bright indirect light, making it versatile enough to brighten up a dim corner of your living room or add a touch of green to a well-lit office space. This adaptability is part of what makes the ZZ Plant such an excellent choice for any indoor setting. If its leaves turn yellow, it may be getting too much direct light, so moving it to a spot with indirect light can help restore its vibrant color.

The ZZ Plant also has air-purifying qualities, making it a healthy choice for your indoor environment. Its shiny leaves reflect light beautifully, adding a touch of elegance to any room. Whether you’re looking to add greenery to your living space, office, or any other indoor area, the ZZ Plant is a versatile and low-maintenance option that you’re sure to love.

popular house plants


Philodendrons adapt well to indoor environments and make a stunning statement in any home. Whether you choose a trailing variety to drape over a shelf or a climbing type to create a green wall, Philodendrons add a touch of tropical beauty with their lush, heart-shaped leaves. With the right care, they can be a long-lasting part of your indoor garden.

These plants thrive in indirect light, making them perfect for bright spots without direct sunlight. They can also handle lower light conditions, though they might grow a bit slower. The key to a happy Philodendron is keeping the soil consistently moist but not soggy. They love a humid environment, similar to their tropical origins.

Philodendrons can attract pests like aphids and mealybugs, so regularly check the leaves and stems to catch any issues early. If pests show up, our Natural Plant Wash can help keep your houseplants healthy and pest-free.

popular house plants

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

The Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria trifasciata or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is a striking houseplant known for its tall, upright leaves that can add a touch of modern elegance to any room. These leaves are typically dark green with lighter bands running horizontally, giving them a unique, architectural look that stands out in any decor. One of the most appealing features of the Snake Plant is its renowned ability to purify the air. It’s particularly effective at removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene, making your indoor environment healthier and fresher.

These plants are incredibly forgiving and tolerate low light conditions, which makes them perfect for those dimly lit corners where other plants might struggle. However, they also do well in bright, indirect light, making them versatile in where you can place them around your home. When it comes to watering, less is more. Snake Plants prefer to be watered sparingly

popular house plants

Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

The Fiddle Leaf Fig, or Ficus lyrata, is often seen as the crown jewel of houseplants. With its large, violin-shaped leaves and impressive height, it can transform any room into a lush, green sanctuary. Fiddle Leaf Figs are known for their dramatic, glossy foliage that adds a bold statement to any space. They can grow quite tall, reaching up to six feet indoors, which makes them a favorite for filling empty corners or adding height to your indoor plant collection.

Caring for a Fiddle Leaf Fig requires a bit more attention than some other houseplants, but the effort is well worth it. These plants prefer bright, indirect light. Too little light can cause the leaves to drop, while too much direct sunlight can scorch them. Finding the right spot with plenty of indirect sunlight is key to keeping your Fiddle Leaf Fig happy. They also like a consistent watering schedule. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged, so it’s best to water them when the top inch of soil feels dry.

One of the main challenges with Fiddle Leaf Figs is their sensitivity to environmental changes. They can be prone to leaf drop if they experience stress, such as a sudden change in temperature, drafts, or being moved to a new location.

popular house plants

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The Spider Plant is a classic houseplant known for its long, arching leaves and the charming “spiderettes” that dangle from its stems. These little offshoots can be left to trail down or cut off and propagated to create new plants.

Caring for a Spider Plant is relatively straightforward. They thrive in bright, indirect light but can also tolerate lower light conditions. Regular watering is essential, but like many houseplants, Spider Plants dislike sitting in waterlogged soil. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot. One common issue with Spider Plants is brown leaf tips, which can be caused by fluoride in tap water or low humidity. Using filtered water and occasionally misting the plant can help keep the tips from browning.

popular house plants

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

Known for its vigorous growth, the Monstera is a plant that can quickly become the centerpiece of your plant collection. The unique, fenestrated leaves develop naturally as the plant matures, providing a striking visual appeal that’s hard to match. 

These plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, while insufficient light can slow their growth. Finding a spot with filtered sunlight is ideal. When it comes to watering, Monsteras prefer their soil to be consistently moist but not soggy.

Another challenge with Monstera is dealing with pests like thrips. These tiny insects can cause significant damage to the leaves, leaving them looking less than their best. Regular inspection and using a natural solution like our Natural Plant Wash can help prevent and control thrips, ensuring your Monstera remains healthy without the use of harsh chemicals.

popular house plants

African Violet (Saintpaulia)

African Violets, also known as Saintpaulia, are popular houseplants with soft, velvety leaves and bright, colorful flowers. They’re perfect for bringing a bit of color into your home. These plants love bright, indirect light and well-draining soil to keep them healthy.

However, African Violets can sometimes attract fungus gnats. These little pests like to lay their eggs in damp soil with decaying organic matter, which is why they’re often found around houseplants and in greenhouses. 

To take care of your African Violets, water them from the bottom so you don't get the leaves wet, and keep the soil just a bit moist but not too wet. Using a humidity tray can help maintain the right moisture levels. Also, to keep these gnats away, you can use our Natural Plant Protector as a preventative. With a little care, these pretty plants will keep blooming and add a touch of elegance to your indoor garden.

popular house plants


Orchids are the epitome of elegance with their delicate, exotic flowers that can bloom for weeks. These plants come in a variety of species, each with its unique charm.

Orchids thrive in indirect light and require a high level of humidity to mimic their natural tropical environment. Placing your orchid near a north or east-facing window where it can receive bright, indirect sunlight is ideal. These plants also need specific watering techniques, they prefer to be watered thoroughly but infrequently. One common method is to soak the potting medium completely and then allow it to dry out before the next watering.

Root rot is a frequent issue with orchids, often caused by overwatering or poor drainage. Ensuring your orchid is planted in a well-draining potting mix specifically designed for orchids can help prevent this problem. Additionally, pests like scale and mealybugs can be problematic. Using our Natural Plant Wash can help control common pests without harming the delicate structure of the orchids. Our product’s gentle formulation ensures that the flowers remain unharmed while effectively managing pests.

See our Ingredients here.

popular house plants

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

The Rubber Plant, or Ficus elastica, is a robust and attractive houseplant known for its large, glossy leaves. These plants can grow quite tall, making them perfect for adding height and a touch of greenery to any indoor space. Their broad, dark green leaves with a shiny finish add a luxurious feel to your decor.

Rubber Plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. However, too little light can cause them to become leggy. Placing them near a window where they can receive plenty of indirect sunlight will keep them healthy and encourage growth. When it comes to watering, Rubber Plants like to be watered thoroughly but infrequently. 

One of the challenges with Rubber Plants is their sensitivity to changes in their environment. They can drop leaves if they experience stress from inconsistent care, such as irregular watering or changes in lighting conditions. Keeping a consistent care routine is key to maintaining their health. Additionally, Rubber Plants can be susceptible to pests like spider mites, thrips and aphids. Regularly inspecting the leaves and using a natural plant wash can help keep these pests under control.

popular house plants


Known for their beautiful, intricate designs, Calathea leaves often feature bold stripes, variegation, and contrasting hues of green, purple, and pink. Adding a Calathea to your home is like introducing a piece of living art. One of the most fascinating characteristics of Calatheas is their “prayer plant” behavior – their leaves move up and down from day to night, almost as if they are alive and breathing.

These plants thrive in low to medium light conditions, making them perfect for rooms that don't get a lot of direct sunlight. However, Calathea needs high humidity to truly flourish, which can be a challenge in many indoor environments. Misting the leaves regularly or placing the plant on a humidity tray can help maintain the moisture levels it craves. 

One common issue with Calathea is browning leaf edges, which is usually a sign of low humidity. If your Calathea begins to develop unsightly brown edges despite your diligent care, placing a humidifier nearby can make a world of difference. Another challenge is pest susceptibility, particularly to spider mites and aphids. Regular inspections and the use of our Natural Plant Wash can keep these common garden pests under control without harming the delicate leaves.

popular house plants

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreens, or Aglaonemas, are a favorite among houseplant enthusiasts for their stunning variegated leaves and adaptability to various indoor conditions. These plants come in an array of colors and patterns, from deep green to silvery hues, and even pinks and reds.

One of the biggest advantages of Chinese Evergreens is their ability to thrive in low to medium light conditions. This makes them perfect for those spots in your home that don’t get a lot of natural light. They prefer to be kept in consistently warm environments, as they can be sensitive to cold drafts. 

Chinese Evergreens are relatively low-maintenance, but they are not entirely without issues. Overwatering is a common problem, often indicated by yellowing leaves. Pest infestations, such as aphids and spider mites, can also occur but are usually manageable with regular checks and natural pest management methods like applying our Natural Plant Wash.

popular house plants

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

The Parlor Palm is a popular houseplant, perfect for adding a touch of tropical charm to your home or office. Its lush, feathery leaves create a sense of tranquility and greenery, even in low-light conditions. 

One common issue with Parlor Palms is browning leaf tips, often due to low humidity or over-fertilization. Using filtered water and reducing fertilizer can help prevent this problem. Placing a Parlor Palm in a well-lit corner can add a vibrant touch of green with minimal care. Its ability to thrive in less-than-ideal conditions makes it a perfect plant for those who might not have a green thumb.

Parlor Palms are also pet-friendly, as they are non-toxic to cats and dogs. This makes them a safe choice for homes with pets. Their quick growth and tolerance of low light make them a versatile and appealing option for any indoor garden.

popular house plants

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

The Chinese Money Plant, also known as Pilea peperomioides or the UFO plant, is beloved for its unique, circular leaves that look like little green coins. This plant not only adds an interesting visual element to your home but is also considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Its easy-to-care-for nature makes it a popular choice among indoor plant enthusiasts.

One of the joys of owning a Chinese Money Plant is its ability to produce “pups” or small offshoots that can be propagated to grow new plants. Simply cut the pup from the main plant and place it in water or soil until it develops roots. Just make sure to watch out for spider mites, as they can become an issue quickly if left unchecked.

popular house plants

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a wonderful and hardy succulent with thick, fleshy leaves filled with soothing gel. Not only does it look great, but it also has lots of medicinal uses. This plant loves a sunny windowsill and well-draining soil. Make sure to water it deeply but not too often—let the soil dry out completely between waterings to avoid root rot, which can be a problem for succulents. And just a heads-up: Aloe Vera is toxic to pets, so keep it out of reach from curious cats and dogs.

popular house plants

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

The Jade Plant, is a classic succulent with thick, glossy leaves and a tree-like growth habit. Known for bringing good luck and prosperity, it's easy to see why it's a common houseplant. Jade Plants pretty easy to grow and thrive in bright light, making a sunny window the perfect spot for them. They love well-draining soil and should be watered deeply but infrequently.

popular house plants

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

The Bird of Paradise, with its large, banana-like leaves and striking, exotic flowers, is often considered the crown jewel of houseplants. The flowers, resembling brightly colored birds in flight, make this plant a stunning addition to any home.

Caring for a Bird of Paradise requires a bit more attention than some other houseplants. These plants thrive in bright light and need plenty of it to flourish and produce their stunning flowers. A spot near a south-facing window is ideal, where the plant can soak up as much sunlight as possible.

One issue Bird of Paradise owners often encounter is leaf splitting, which can happen due to low humidity or rough handling. To minimize this, keep the plant in a humid environment and handle the leaves gently when moving or cleaning the plant.

Despite requiring a bit more care, the Bird of Paradise is well worth the effort. Its unique and vibrant flowers, along with its lush foliage, bring a touch of the tropics to your home, making it a true standout in any plant collection.

popular house plants

Protect Your Houseplants with Lost Coast Plant Therapy

As you cultivate your indoor green haven, ensuring the health and vitality of your houseplants can sometimes be challenging. That’s where our Natural Plant Protector comes in. This gentle yet effective solution helps prevent and control common houseplant issues such as pests and powdery mildew without compromising your plants' health. Our natural and organic pesticide is made with natural and organic ingredients, making it safe for both your plants and your home environment. 

See How It Works here.

popular house plants

To make it even easier for you to try our Natural Plant Wash, we are currently offering one free 2oz sample! Just pay for shipping, with a limit of one sample per customer. This sample is enough to make 2 gallons of ready-to-use mixture, allowing you to see firsthand the benefits it can bring to your plants.

Don't let common houseplant issues get in the way of your indoor oasis. Try our Natural Plant Wash today and give your plants the gentle, effective care they deserve!

popular house plants 


Houseplants come in all shapes and sizes, from the towering Rubber Plant to the delicate String of Pearls. Each plant has its own specific needs and care requirements. For instance, the Parlor Palm thrives in low-light conditions and is an excellent choice for beginners, while the Chinese Money Plant, with its circular leaves, prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Whether you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant like the Snake Plant or something more challenging like the Fiddle Leaf Fig, there’s a houseplant for everyone and understanding the specific growing conditions and care routines is key to keeping your plants healthy and happy.

One of the joys of having indoor houseplants is the variety they bring. From flowering plants like Begonias, which add a splash of color with their beautiful flowers, to trailing plants like the Pothos, which can cascade down shelves or be trained to climb, there’s a plant to suit every taste and space. For those with pets, it's essential to know which plants are toxic to cats and dogs. Plants like Peace Lilies and certain types of Aloe Vera can be harmful if ingested, so always research your choices to ensure they are safe for all members of your household.

popular house plants


What Are the Best Indoor Houseplants for Beginners?

If you're just starting your indoor gardening journey, some plants are especially forgiving and easy to care for. Parlor Palms, ZZ Plants, and Spider Plants are excellent choices. These easy-to-grow plants thrive well in low light conditions and require minimal care, making them great options for beginners. 

How Do I Care for My Houseplants in Low-Light Conditions?

Many indoor houseplants, like the Snake Plant, Pothos, and Parlor Palm, thrive well in low-light environments. Ensure these plants receive indirect sunlight to keep their light green leaves healthy, and avoid placing them in direct sun, which can scorch their leaves. Water sparingly and allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot. Regularly dust the leaves to allow them to photosynthesize efficiently.

What Are Some Tips for Growing and Caring for a Bird of Paradise Indoors?

Bird of Paradise plants need bright, indirect light to flourish and produce their exotic flowers. Place them near a south-facing window to get ample light. Maintain high humidity by misting the leaves or using a humidifier. Water regularly but ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent root rot. With the right care, these plants can grow tall and bring a tropical touch to your home.

popular house plants

What Makes the String of Pearls a Unique Indoor Plant?

The String of Pearls is a unique and visually striking houseplant with its bead-like leaves that cascade down from hanging baskets. This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. Make sure to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. It's a fantastic addition to any indoor plant collection, adding a whimsical touch with its trailing vines.

How Do I Propagate a Chinese Money Plant?

Chinese Money Plants are easy to propagate, making them a favorite among indoor gardeners. The plant produces "pups" or small offshoots that can be cut and planted. Use a clean knife to separate the pup from the main plant and place it in water or soil until roots develop. With proper care, these pups will grow quickly and can be shared with friends or added to your own collection.

popular house plants

How Do I Maintain Optimal Temperatures and Humidity for My Houseplants?

Most houseplants, especially those native to tropical regions like Bird of Paradise and Calathea, prefer warm temperatures and high humidity. Keeping your home at a stable temperature between 65-75°F and using a humidifier can help create the ideal environment. Regular misting and placing plants on humidity trays can also boost moisture levels around the plants.

What Is the Ideal Environment for Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera prefers bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. A sunny windowsill is an ideal spot for this plant. However, it is toxic to pets, so keep it out of reach of cats and dogs. Aloe Vera is also known for its medicinal properties, making it a great addition to your collection of potted plants.

What Are the Benefits of Keeping Houseplants Like Peace Lilies?

Peace Lilies are popular for their beautiful white flowers and their ability to purify the air. They thrive in low to medium light and prefer their soil to be kept moist. Peace Lilies are also easy to care for, making them a great choice for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. However, they are toxic to pets, so it's important to place them out of reach of cats and dogs.

See more FAQ's here

 popular house plants

Additional Resources

Caring for Houseplants - PennState Extension

Diagnosing Houseplant Problems from Diseases - Iowa State University

Fungus Gnats - Colorado State University

Powdery Mildew- Almanac

Thrips - Texas Extension Entomology

Common Types of Aphid - AZ animals 

Spider Mites - Virginia State University