Wholesale Application
Interested in selling Lost Coast Plant Therapy in your STORE?
Have a FARM or LICENSED CULTIVATION FACILITY and looking for bulk discount pricing?
Applying for a wholesale account and getting approved is quick and easy. Just complete the following steps:
- Create an account online by clicking HERE. To download/print a PDF version click HERE.
- Please allow up to 48 hours to be approved.
After your application has been approved, we will email you to verify your ability to order at discounted pricing either online, or over the phone with us.
- To view your wholesale pricing online, You must be signed in to your account.
Already have an approved account? Click HERE to sign in.
For any questions, please call Heather at 877.558.0808 ex 500
Lost Coast Plant Therapy family thanks you for your business and your choice to invest in the health of our plants, our farms, the environment and a healthier planet for us all.